Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Patients waiting patiently...

I have been working at the RMH for almost three years now and I have seen many changes. At this time we have so many patients waiting for nursing homes. I would have to say approximately 50 % of our patients are waiting for a nursing home bed. This is outrageous! There are sick people waiting emergency on a stretcher for days at a time, waiting for a bed in the hospital. It is scary to think the amount of people waiting at this time, and the baby boom is just entering the age to start needing more assistance. I am anxious to see what the health care system is going to be like in another 5-10 years. We have some patients that have been waiting on an active medical floor for a year now for a nursing home bed, and they have possibly another 3-9 month wait. Nursing homes offer so much more than an active hospital floor can offer such as activities, outings, and simply more stimulation. As children most elderly people with some form of dementia need daily mental and physical activity to stay as active as possible. What most families do not know is that if your loved one can wait for a nursing home at home in the community they get priority to the hospital. Does this make sense? Most would argue the fact that the patients waiting on active floors in the hospital should get a nursing home first. With our everyday nursing shortage are there going to be enough nurses to care for all these elderly people as the baby boom ages. Why is there not more nursing homes being built? Would there be enough nurses to staff them? These are all questions us nurses have but who do we ask?...
For more on nursing homes and the nursing shortages stay tuned, or visit my favorite blogs for similar topics of interest.

Here is a great website and checklist when choosing a nursing home for your loved one.

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Five Rights of Medication Administration

Favorite Nursing Funnies...

Top ten reasons to become a nurse:

-Pays better then fast food, though the hours aren't as good.
-Fashionable shoes and sexy white uniforms.
-Needles: "Tis better to give then receive"
-Reassure your patients that all bleeding stops...eventually.
-Expose yourself to rare, exciting and new diseases.
-Interesting aromas.
-Courteous and infallible doctors who always leave clear orders in perfectly legible handwriting.
-Do enough charting to navigate around the world.
-Celebrate all the holidays with your friends- at work.
-Take comfort that most of your patients survive no matter what you do to them.